Wednesday 2 December 2015


Lisa ( left eye)  Nicole Lopes father had an alcohol problem. As a result he could contact any genetic disease such as asthma, lung disease etc. Lisa lopes did not contact any  genetic  diseases as a baby so i assume that she lived a normal childhood. Each chromosome carries units of inheritance known as genes and these genes interact to create a new set of instruction for making a new person. An example of a genetic factor is cystic fibrosis. There was family dysfunction as Lisa was growing up.  Her parents separated when she was still in school. Babies or children usually becomes upset when parted from their main carer.They use the carer as the safe base to explore the environment. This would have an effect on her growing up through her childhood. She ended up living with her grandma in the later years of her childhood. Due to her parents separation, she did not get any attention from her father. The only time she got attention from her father was when they drank together. In early childhood socialisation, attitudes and beliefs are learnt by observing and imitating family members. As they grow through their teenage years the range of influences on their behaviour which grows larger.  Left Eye was arrested for burning down Rison's home. Her personal life was troubled because of her unhealthy relationship with football player Andre Rison. Hormones may have gotten out of control or balance and this can lead to mood swings on aggressive behaviour. This is an environmental factor. An example of this is family dysfunction or crime. Her biological factor seemed normal as a baby so i assure that she was healthy and didn't have any biological disease. An example of biological factor is foetal alcohol syndrome or infections during pregnancy. She involved herself into spiritual and holistic practices to find her a sense of peace & tranquility after having a difficult childhood. She involved herself in so many projects doing good things for other people. An example of socio-economic factor is media or employment status. Lisa Lopes took in the habit from her father drinking which caused her to have a serious drinking problem. An example of a lifestyle factor is  nutrition and dietary choices.
Reference -

1 comment:

  1. Jill well done! It appears you have carried out extensive research on your celebrity. You however have made errors in using the wrong words in some places. In future please check you work for errors and that you are in fact using the correct words. For example you have used the word 'contact' instead of 'contract' and 'assure' instead of 'assume'
