Sunday 7 February 2016

Task 2 & 3
M1/D1Discuss the nature-nurture debate in relation to the development of your celebrity - using factual information. Please ensure you show your understanding at the beginning of what nature and nurture is.   
Nature refers to genetic and biological influences. Nature suggests that individuals are born with certain traits such as characteristics, skills and abilities they have, which will determine the development of individual. Nature can link to illnesses, characteristics etc. For example the way we look is mainly nature. This is the genes we inherit from parents for example color of hair, eyes etc. We can inherit illnesses or diseases which has a huge impact on our health.  
Nurture is refers to an individual's personal experiences and how they were brought up which later acts on their behavior. Researchers have concluded and researched that our behavioral aspects originate only from the environmental factors of our upbringing. While a gene may increase the likelihood that you will behave in a particular way, it does not make individuals do things.  
In relation to my celebrity, Lisa Lopes (Left Eye), she had both of these aspects in her life which was nature and nurture. I will be discussing about her nature and nurture in her life. 
As a baby, she was in a normal stage. Her physical characteristics could be biologically determined by genetic. Each living cell has a nucleus with 23 pairs of chromosomes inside the human body. In each pair of chromosomes, one chromosome comes from the father and one from the mother. She did not inherit any genetic diseases. She could inherit the  color of her eyes, hair, pigmentation of skin either from her mother or father.   
As child when growing up, she must witnessed her father drinking alcohol abusively which she took in as a nurture aspect in her environment. In her adult years, she had the same drinking problem as her father. She was influenced to drinking based on her environment around her father at home. She also witnessed her father being strict and abusive to her and her mother. This could have influenced the anger and aggressive behavior in her adulthood for example when she burned down Andre Rison's house. The anger must have built up when she was a child from witnessing terrible things. She started believe and practice in a spiritual way to find her peace and tranquility in life, not always anger. In a nature aspect, she must have inherited her talent from her father because he was a talented musician. When she was 5 years old she started playing a toy keyboard and when she was 10 she sang gospel songs at local churches. In her adolescent years growing up was normal; in her nature aspect just like every teenager, she went through puberty, relationships, first job etc. In her adulthood years, in a nurture aspect she started believing and practicing spiritual life to find peace and tranquility. She started to do this after burning down Andre Rison's house after cheating on her.  
We can think this process as biological programming. Genes provide the instructions for structuring amino acids which in turn influences the proteins within our body cells. The ability to speak our first language are thought to be an inbuilt genetic process. Without an environment, genetics cannot operate in the development of your life stages. 
Childhood (3-11): 
I am going discuss the intellectual, emotional and social development through Lisa Lopes childhood. Lisa Lopes went through a tough childhood. For intellectual, she was influenced by the people around her and had tough support by her grandmother when her parents separatedLisa Lopes was of Cape Verdean descent which is African-American and Portuguese ancestry. You can hear her Portuguese accent especially in some of her raps. She started talking at age one. As a child, English was not her first language, she spoke Portuguese. 
 She went through an emotional development in her childhood. She witnessed abusive behavior by her father towards her and her mother. She was held to a high standard of achievement by her father. Her father was in the military and therefore strict. He administered whuppings to Lisa and her mum. She went through a lot of change; parents getting married and divorced twice, moving around frequently. She would have developed a close attachment to her parents or grandmother. As a child, she would have experienced a wide range of emotions. Children usually find a way to control emotional expression to calm down.  
She also went through social development through her childhood. She aware of other people at this age group building relationships with others around the same age and also adults. As they develop relationships, they are aware of other peoples feelings. Children start to learn to self-regulate their behavior. She sang gospel songs in local churches which shows that her talent was there ever since she was little. This could have been inherited from her father which is a nature aspect. 
She went through physical development through her childhood. Nature in this case for left eye was normal. Lisa Lopes has the ability to see and listen near and far and to interpret what has been heard and seen quite good. She would have inherited her physical characteristics biologically by genetics from her parents. For example hair color, skin, eyes, shape of nose etc. She never inherited any genetic disease as a baby which is nature. This is nature as it refers to genetic influences. As a child she witnessed abusive alcoholic behavior by her father which she can be influenced later on in her life stage. This is a nurture aspect.  
Adulthood (19-30): 
I am going to discuss the intellectual, emotional and social development through Lisa Lopes adulthood. For intellectual development, you can hear her Portuguese accent in some of her raps. She was influenced by people through adulthood. She must have learnt new skills and experiences by her surroundings. She had to cope with her parents being separated since childhood.  
She went through an emotional development throughout her adulthood. Lisa's drinking habits was influenced by her father who nearly all of Lisa's childhood was always drinking alcohol. She witnessed her father being abusive to alcohol ever since she was little. This is a nurture aspect because from her environment she was influenced to drink alcohol for problems and pain to go away. The only time she got his attention was when he came over and drank alcohol together. Every relationship, Lisa went into was always abusive and unhealthy which made her unstable to go back to drink alcohol. After she found out Andre Rison was cheating on her, she burned down his house. She was sentenced to 5 years probation and therapy. She was very hurt at this stage that she started to find a strategy to find peace and tranquility. She started to practice and believe in a spiritual way for her to balance her life. On the day she celebrated her first record deal ever, Lisa returned home to hear from her mum that her dad has been shot dead in a drunken argument. She felt heartbroken and traumatized 
She went through social development throughout her adulthood. She always went to party and get drunk. Like emotional development, she was in relationships that were unhealthy for her. Andre Rison was abusive to her and he cheated on her. She burned down his house because of the anger she had. Her father was abusive to her and her mother. She was influenced by her father who was an alcoholic. She drank alcohol to get away from the pain. She did not have a good relationship with her father; the only time she got attention was when they drank alcohol together.  
She went through physical development through her adulthood. Lisa Lopes would have reach to her full height by her early adulthood. This can be a nature aspect. Her skin would have become thinner and lose elasticity. This is also a nature aspect. She could also get grey hair the same time her parents got it. This is nature as it refers to genetic influences.  

P3: Explain the influences of two predictable and two unpredictable major life events on the development of an individual.  
There are many variety of factors of influences throughout individuals life events on the development of an individual. These variety of factors can be either predictable and unpredictable. The changes in life event cannot be always be predicted but chosen as well. Everyone's life event is totally different from each other. People will not always be successful in major life event but can also fail which results in stress and finds it difficult to cope with change. Life events can change the direction of people's lives which affects the person's development their life stages. Predictable refers to for example going to school, marriage, puberty, relationships etc, life events that are expected to happen. Unpredictable refers to for example going to prison, divorce, death, failing exams etc. I am going discuss about two predictable and two unpredictable life events through the development of Lisa Lopes (Left Eye).  
Relationships was one major life event on the development of Lisa LopesIn every major life events we  go through, relationships will always be there to build. Lisa Lopes went through tough relationships which were unhealthy for her. Her father was abusive to her and her mother. He was very strict and administered whuppings as he was in the military. The only she got his attention was drinking alcohol together; she did not have a good relationship with her father. She was in a unhealthy relationship with Andre Rison. He abused her and was the jealous type that he made her wear socks so no one will look at her legs. He cheated her and still abused her after. This made her really angry that she wanted to burn his shoes only to make a statement but ended up burning the whole house. Because of this unhealthy relationship she was in 5 years probation and therapy. The only good relationship she had was with the girls Chili and T Boz in the group TLC and her grandmother 
Puberty is another major life event that happened through the development of Lisa Lopes. Through our adolescence years, everyone goes through puberty. It usually starts at the age between 8 and 14. During puberty, your body changes a lot. I am going discuss the changes that might occur. Changes that can occur is hips and breasts getting bigger, growing taller, hair growing on body, periods and mood swings. During puberty, individuals starts to produce hormones during this stage.  
Bereavement is one major life event on the development of Lisa Lopes. Losing someone you love very much is very difficult. For Lisaeven though she was abused by her father, she loved her father very much. She was hurt by this news especially she was working with pebbles and had a record deal on the same day her father died. Bereavement comes at any time, this is why it's unpredictable. You can lose yourself emotionally as a individual due to bereavement. Death of a friend or relative occurs unexpectedly and may lead to a positive change in our lives.  
Death is another major life event on the development of Lisa Lopes. Death is unexpected and can happen at anytime. The death of Lisa took us by surprise. She died in a car accident. After she died, she left a legacy and no one will forget her. It is hard for someone to accept the death of an individual. 

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